Environmental and Arborist Surveys


Georgia Forestry Consulting Services include, but not limited too:

Urban Tree Surveys:  Georgia Forestry Consulting has extensive experience performing specimen tree surveys, tree credit surveys and arborist reports across multiple municipalities. Field location of trees and merging of data with engineering or survey plans saves time and money for site planning and permitting.

  • Specimen Tree Surveys - finding specimen trees on a site is required for most developments, but being able to professionally assess the tree and having it removed from specimen consideration is often not performed by some. If a tree meets all the requirements to be a specimen tree, it should have the honor of being protected. If a tree does not meet the requirements, we work to save a developer ALOT of money from recompense costs, redesign costs, and landscaping costs.

  • Tree Credit Surveys - many municipalities allow for credit to be given towards tree densities by counting existing trees to be saved. We have the experience and technical expertise to deliver quantitative information that can significantly reduce landscaping costs and meet tree density unit requirements

  • Tree Density Sampling - many municipalities are allowing tree sampling to determine tree density units on larger acreage tracts. Usually over 3 acres. This greatly reduces surveying costs of locating every single tree on the site, increases data deliverables, and usually only registered foresters are qualified to perform these surveys.

  • Arborist Reports - we all love trees, especially old, large, and beautiful trees, but many tree species have a lifespan that is coming to an end or have had environmental or physical impacts that have created structural deficiencies that endanger people or structures surrounding it.

Wetland Surveys and Army Corps Permitting:  Georgia Forestry Consulting has extensive experience performing jurisdictional waters surveys as well as permitting any impacts to wetlands and streams associated with your project. Field located and merged with engineering or survey plans saves time and money for site planning and permitting. We can also assist in the completion of mitigation transactions as well if the compensatory mitigation becomes necessary for your permit. We have assisted landowners in obtaining farm pond exemptions through the NRCS that allows them to obtain an Army Corps permit to construct farm ponds under 10 acres.

  • Jurisdictional Waters Surveys

  • PCN and NWP permitting with the Army Corps of Engineers

  • Farm Pond Exemption permits with NRCS